Urban Planning and Mobility

Urban Mobility Planning is a strategic plan in the field of traffic and transportation and aims to improve and harmonize the needs for free and secure movement for all participants in traffic and to ensure a better quality of life.

About urban mobility management

Urban mobility management began to be recognized as a technique in the early 1990s in several European countries such as Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Urban mobility represents an approach geared towards managing mobility requirements, which develops and implements a strategy aimed at efficient movement of persons and of transportation of goods, taking into account social, environmental and energy saving concerns.

Main objectives of mobility management

  • Limiting the use of private vehicles, boosting the use of public transportation and of bicycles, meeting the requirements for daily mobility, reducing the level of environmental pollution, identifying new market segments for public and private trading.

Purpose of the urban mobility plan

The purpose of the urban mobility plan is to create a sustainable system of transportation and of other movements (motorized and non-motorized movements) by:

  • Providing easier access for the daily movements (going to work) and other services,
  •  Improve road safety level,
  • Reduce environmental pollution,
  • Increase efficiency and economy on the transporting of peoples and goods,
  • Increase attractiveness and quality of urban environments.

The urban mobility plan offers the most efficient alternatives to city transportation problems. It is based on existing practices and legal frameworks, while its basic features include:

  • Participation of interest groups (participation of citizens and other stakeholders from the beginning to the end of the planning process),
  • Integrated approach,
  • Clear vision, scope and objectives,
  • Review of transportation costs